Common Properties :
Fire Resistant: Insul Inc Rockwool is non combustible when tested according to ASTM E-136-82 / BS 476 P4 1970 / DIN4102.
Early Fire Hazard Indices: Ignitability: 0; Heat Evolved:0; Spread of Flame: 0; Smoke Developed: 0. Fusion Temperature: in excess of 1150 deg C.
Chemical Neutrality: Insul Inc rockwool is chemically neutral. It will neither cause nor promote
corrosion. It meets the requirements of the standard specifications for use over austenitic stainless steel
ASTM C 795-77 when measured acording to standard methods ASTM C 692-77 (corrosion test) and ASTM C 871-77 (chemical analysis).
Sound Absorption: Sound absorption coefficients are based on 50mm thick sample measured in reverberation
chamber in accordance with BS 3638-1987.
Moisture Resistant: Unaffected by moisture and high humidity. Completely Asbestos Free. Vermin Resistant. Fungi Resistant.